The out-of-date laws you won’t believe are still in placeWE’VE all had a chuckle at the out-of-date law which states that every taxi should carry a bale of hay for its pony and that a copper has to hand over his helmet to any pregnant woman who needs to relieve herself.But these aren’t the only hilarious pieces of statute which have slipped under the radar and stayed in force despite being very much out of date
#1 Taxis should be carrying a bale of hay
Christopher Sargeant, a PhD student from Cambridge, was recently asked by Privilege Insurance to compile a list of the most obscure laws of the land and the results were amazing.
Here’s our round-up of his funniest finding…

#2 All beached whales must be offered to the reigning monarch
That’s right – if you spot a giant washed up whale you must not claim it for your own, according to a 1322 law that says the beast belongs to the king or queen.

If you suspect the potatoes you are importing may have come from Poland this law requires you to think twice.
It was introduced in 2004 after a serious outbreak of ring rot.

That’s right – there are a fair few law breakers out there.
Introduced in 1872 to reduce alcohol consumption, I think we can all safely say this one has had limited success.

Unless you are unloading your cart or carriage, an 1839 law states that it is not permitted to carry a plank along the road for fear it may cause an obstruction (or a hilariously slapstick Chuckle Brothers moment where you smack someone in the face).

In a bid to prevent things getting really nasty at PMQs all politicians must leave their helmets and shields at home.
The statute dates back to 1313 but no one on record has ever been prosecuted for the crime. However, with Brexit debates heating up there’s always time.

We may all scoff at this one but in 2009 this outdated law was used to prosecute Godfrey Blackin who partook of a couple of cans of lager before riding his horse bareback through town.
It has also been used to convict two revellers caught drink-driving on golf buggies.

What fishy circumstances could possibly arise to prevent salmon handling I hear you ask?
The 1986 law was originally introduced to prevent the purchase of fish which could have been poached (as in stolen, not cooked in water – which is always encouraged).

There is an 1839 Act of Parliament preventing you from dirtying the streets which banned you from doing your spring cleaning on a public street.
Early risers can however clear out their doormat provided they do it before 8am.

Don’t pretend you haven’t.
When your alarm goes off late and you pile into the tube to see the line coming out the door, the panic queue jump is a familiar action to many a stressed commuter.
Well according to TFL By-Laws you are well out of line (quite literally).

It’s time to call in a favour from that neighbour you lent a cup of sugar to eight months ago.
If you have an audible intruder alarm you need to have a key-holder on standby to switch it off while you’re away.
All reasonable so farm but things take a turn for the worse when you realise the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 expects you to notify the local authority, in writing, the details of your nominated alarm “switcher-offer”.

That’s right, that picture perfect scene of a happy family building snowmen and diving down hills on a wooden sledge is over.
The Town Police Clauses Act of 1847 bans anyone from making slides out of ice or snow.
So that day of winter frivolity makes you and your family criminals. Just think about that before you grab the toboggan – and whenever you think today’s health and safety rules are OTT.

The popular childhood game knock-down-ginger has long been the preferred pastime of neighbourhood scamps.
The year 1839 must have seen countless unsuspecting victims answering the door to find nothing but the distant snigger of local children hiding in a bush – as that’s when the activity was officially made illegal.

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