VapoRub isn't just for colds. There are so many uses and some will definitely surprise you!
Vicks VapoRub is an ointment commonly found in almost everyone's medicine cabinet. It's used as a topical cream and is applied to the chest, back, and throat for relief from coughing and congestion. Some people even put it on their feet. But VapoRub isn't just for colds. There are so many uses and some of them will definitely surprise you. I wish I knew about number 9 a long time ago!

#2 Want plump lips?
The ingredient menthol is a natural lip plumper. Just rub a little on and it will soften them as well.

#3 Vicks VapoRub can also help a sinus headache.
Your sinus headache acn be alleviated by breathing in the menthol when it's placed underneath your nose.

#4 Do you have a stinky smell lingering around the house?
Rub some VapRub under your nose and it will do the trick.

#5 Are you breaking out?
Try applying the VapoRub to acne prone skin you have on your face. It could help clear up some pimples you may already have or prevent future ones from coming to life.

#6 Vicks VapoRub repels mosquitos!
Just rub the Vicks on all exposed body parts to keep the mosquitos away.

#7 VapoRub helps relax or soothe sore muscles.
Help your sore muscles recover fast by massaging them with VapoRub. Be sure to wrap or cover your muscles with a towel after each massage! For the best results, do this three times a day.

#8 Help bruises go away quickly.
You can help make bruises go away faster by applying a mixture of VapoRub and salt to the injury.

#9 Vicks VapoRub can also help relieve dry skin.
Moisturize your skin by rubbing VapoRub into dry areas for super soft skin.

#10 Stop your cat from scratching.
Apply VapoRub to areas that your cat likes to scratch. Cats hate the smell and will steer clear. It might take one scratch before they learn but once they do the area will be protected from their claws.

#11 Burn extra fat.
Apply VapoRub to areas like your stomach or butt to help burn fat! By applying the rub in these areas, it stimulates blood flow.

#12 Got toenail fungus?
Rub VapoRub on your toenail and it will get rid of it. Within a few days, the nail will become darker. This indicates the camphor and menthol in VapoRub are killing the fungus.

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