American Pie is a teen movie CLASSIC.
It dove right into universally racy topics like oral sex, losing virginity, the depraved sexuality of band camp and the sexy foreign exchange student whose accent fluctuates depending on the scene.
Actually, that last one may just be for this movie. Jason Biggs was introduced to us while copulating with a warm pie, Shannon Elizabeth was a hot commodity for a while and How I Met Your Mother's Alyson Hannigan made her debut. But there were a bunch of things you didn't know...
1. The movie's original working title was Untitled Teenage Sex Comedy That Can Be Made For Under $10 Million That Most Readers Will Probably Hate But I Think You Will Love.
During testing, the filmmakers called it Great Falls (after the high school), but the test audience didn’t like it.

2. Turns out that Alyson Hannigan needed to pee the WHOLE TIME she did her audition... and she says it got her the role.
While waiting for her audition Alyson Hannigan felt like she had to pee. Just as she was running to the bathroom, her name was called. Her energy from holding it in came through during her audition.

3. Shannon Elizabeth's nude scene was one of the most memorable ones in film history. She went on to be in Playboy and then vowed NEVER to appear nude again.
She didn't want to be typecast. Later on, she called her decision to appear in Playboy "one of [her] biggest regrets."

4. Seann William Scott's film debut (and arguably his most memorable role) only got him $8,000...
Stifler made PEANUTS..

5. Screenwriter Adam Herz wrote the screenplay in only six weeks.
He shut himself off from the world and "studied" Porky's and Bachelor Party to emulate the sex-obsessed feel of those movies.

6. Starting with American Pie, each of the films started the running joke of having Stifler eat or drink some bodily fluid....
In the first one he drinks ejaculate, in American Pie 2 he drank pee and in American Wedding he ate poop.

7. Jason Biggs had to do his own sex scene because his body double had an unexpected 8-inch long scar across his stomach.
He was fired almost immediately.

8. The scene where Jim was running down the street to get to Nadia (who was touching herself on webcam) caused Jason Biggs to pass out from heat stroke...
They had to pack his shirt with ice to cool him down while he was running.

9. Alyson Hannigan stayed in character by talking like Michelle Flaherty off-camera.
She'd end her sentences with question marks and it annoyed even her.

10. The script had Jim's younger brother walking in on him during a sex act... BUT it was never filmed.
So they made up for it by having Jim's dad walk in on him multiple times.

11. The movie popularized the term "MILF."
John Cho first uttered the word which meant "Mother I'd Love to F–k.

12. Jason Biggs couldn't make his Maltese falcon "salute" for real so they stuffed a hot sausage in between his legs...
Yup. To simulate an erection the crew cooked a sausage, stuck it on a pencil and wrapped it in aluminum foil.

13. Members of the California punk band Blink 182 are shown watching Nadia's webcam broadcast scene.
You can even hear their song "Mutt" in the background.

14. Even though the film was rated R in America, Denmark rated it "A," which stands for "Alle" – which in English means "everybody."
The teen sex raunch comedy was rated fun for the whole family for the Danish.

15. Eugene Levy was allowed to improvise most of his lines for his character.
He managed to get Jason Biggs to break character with his "giant orgy" line.

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