So you might be thinking after reading the headline “not wanking for 700 days is a superpower in itself” but, that’s not what we’re digging into here. No. There’s more.

Well, I say there’s more. There’s a whole community of men online that refrain from masturbating for extended periods of time – potentially indefinitely and, among those steady-handed fellas is a reddit user, Brohit.

He gave up masturbating two and a half years ago and, as a result, said it gave him “superpowers”. And what superpowers did he get? Teleporting? Super-strength? Genius level intellect? No. Brohit felt he “was at peace more often”. Yep.

He went on to to say that he also had an increase in confidence and had more energy… you know, like that famous superhero we all love.

Speaking of his newfound powers, he said “How do we know these superpowers aren’t just normal human tendencies?”

I can answer that. They’re not superpowers. I’m not a particularly confident man and, if by ‘feeling at peace’ he means ‘not walking around thinking of wanking 24/7’ then pin me up and call me Batman. I’m a super.

Even having more energy. You can achieve that in other ways. Get eight hours of sleep and drink plenty or water. Lots of people do that and they don’t go around stopping bad guys.

Maybe I’m being a bit harsh. From what I can tell, Brohit was at the hands of a porn addiction so, comparative to how felt back then, he must feel like Superman on adderall.

At least now I can take comfort in the fact that if I can control my urge to jerk off then I have developed a strong enough will power to beat an addiction that people blindly don’t even consider an addiction.

I still face the same urges I did 700 days ago, but I like to think that I’m much stronger now.

Happiness and satisfaction comes from within. Just let that void be. Don’t try to fill it with anything. That void within ourselves is what makes us human.

“At least now I can take comfort in the fact that if I can control my urge to jerk off then I have developed a strong enough will power to beat an addiction that people blindly don’t even consider an addiction

Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that this is, in some sense, a life affirming story but I’m seriously dissapointed that there’s no actual superpowers to be gained. Having said that, if someone told me that I’d have super-strength and would be able to teleport of a abstained for two years, I’d probably give it a miss.

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